Sunday, January 13, 2013

Much Too Much

Ossim is recovering well (yay!) and already fighting his antibiotic doses (fff), we have electricity in all areas of the house (yay!), and the garage is close enough!

Tool Side: ladder, lumber, & pvc up - empty shelves ready for tools - I wasn't joking about cardboard

I still have tons of tools to sort and shelve, but I have recovered about a third of the floorspace and have places to put all of the things which were impeding the craftstuff: bedroom > craft stuff: living room transition.

The actual moving of craftstuff went fairly quick, but the sort and organize? Mon dieu! Yarn and fabric were cake; notions and otherwise, SO FIDDLY. My brain is in full retreat, anywhere but here... totally digging in its heels and refusing to process what can go with what and where. It has skipped the original goal of "knit with new yarn" and has started no fewer than three paintings, it tricked me into partially designing a shed, it wants to start another clean & organize project, it is trying to plan a trip (to get away from the craft room, no doubt!), and is continuously sending hungry impulses. To be fair, this is probably the longest span of all work/no play in years, but c'mahn. Yeesh.

The goal for the weekend will be to further sort, finding everything a home or pack it up for donation, then get remaining craftstuff from storage and do it all again. I do not expect to move with any sort of pace, but I hope if I keep pushing, eventually, it will be done :)

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